
(Publication) Recent advances in stem cell-based blastocyst models

This is my first first-author paper at UTSW (a review). After briefly reviewing stem cells and blastoids, we also highlight the current issues with blastoids. To what extent will blastoids be able to replicate development?

ABSTRACT: Early embryo development is a highly dynamic process that plays a crucial role in determining the health and characteristics of an organism. For many years, embryonic and extraembryonic stem cell lines representing various developmental stages have served as valuable models for studying early embryogenesis. As our understanding of stem cell culture and embryo development has advanced, researchers have been able to create more sophisticated 3D structures mimicking early embryos, such as blastocyst-like structures (blastoids). These innovative models represent a significant leap forward in the field. In this mini-review, we will discuss the latest progress in stem cell-based embryo models, explore potential future directions, and examine how these models contribute to a deeper understanding of early mammalian development.

Oura S, Hamilton JA, and Wu J. Recent Advances in Stem Cell Based Blastocyst Models. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2023;81:102088.