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Longing to the continuity, origin, and reconstitution of life

Mouse testicular section

Pachytene Spermatocyte

Mouse Zygotes

Pronuclear Injection

Human naive pluripotent stem cells
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Seiya Oura 大浦聖矢

Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (Wu Lab). Specializes in reproductive biology, developmental biology, and genetic engineering. During the doctoral course, researched the process of gametogenesis using genetically modified mice. Currently, researching to recapitulate embryonic development in vitro using stem cells.
1993年12月24日大阪生まれ。大阪大学薬学研究科博士後期課程修了、博士(薬学)。生体統御ネットワーク医学教育プログラム(大学院リーディングプログラム)修了。Universtiy of Texas Southwesten Medical center 博士研究員 (Wu lab)。専門は、生殖生物学・発生生物学・遺伝子工学。博士課程では、遺伝子改変マウスを使用して、配偶子の形成過程の研究をしていました。現在は、幹細胞を使用して、胚発生のプロセスを再現するべく研究を進めています。

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I’m sure everyone, at some point, has imagined what kind of thrilling future would unfold if the technologies from science fiction became a reality. Like many, I was a boy who harbored such dreams deep in my heart. Coupled with my admiration for the scientist characters who populate the realms of sci-fi and fantasy, it seems inevitable that I found myself drawn to the path of scientific research.

One of the historical figures I admire most is Charles Robert Darwin, the author of On the Origin of Species. He introduced the theory of natural selection, which proposes that evolution is not a predetermined, directional process, but rather one in which random variations are naturally selected—a concept that shook the world to its core. As a researcher, I can’t help but be in awe of the way his meticulous observations led him to challenge the very foundations of conventional thought at the time. Moreover, the title of his book, On the Origin of Species, evokes not only the continuity of life but also hints at the origins of life itself, inspiring a profound sense of reverence within me.
私が好きな歴史上の偉人に「On the Origin of Species (種の起源)」を執筆したCharles Robert Darwinがいます。進化が一定の方向を持った必然的なプロセスではなく、自然により偶然的な差異が選択されていくプロセスであるという自然選択説を発表し、世間にとてつもない衝撃を与えた研究者です。緻密な観察から、その当時の常識に真っ向から歯向かう可能性に至るというのは、研究者として憧れを抱かずにはいられません。そして、その説を発表する書籍のタイトル「On the Origin of Species」は、生命の連続性やOn the Origin of Life (生命の起源)までも想起させるもので、もはや畏敬の念さえ覚えます。

As someone who often reflects on the continuity and origins of life, I’ve naturally been drawn to the fundamental processes of reproduction and development. Driven by the desire to bring to life ideas straight out of science fiction, I’m pursuing research in this fascinating area. Right now, I’m deeply immersed in the challenge of recreating reproductive and developmental processes outside the body. In doing so, I envision a future where infertility and even the concept of pregnancy itself may no longer exist for humanity.