
(Publication) MYCBPAP is a central apparatus protein required for centrosome-nuclear envelope docking and sperm tail biogenesis in mice

When I was in the Ikawa Lab (during my doctoral course), I worked on the initial analysis of KO animals such as testis sections and generated Tg mice for rescue experiments, localization analysis, and identifying interaction factors via IP-MS. After completing the initial analysis, I proceeded with several experiments alongside Kobayashi-san before handing the project over to her. Later, Wang-san brought everything together. Kobayashi-san, Wang-san, congratulations!

Abstract: The structure of the sperm flagellar axoneme is highly conserved across species and serves the essential function of generating motility to facilitate the meeting of spermatozoa with the egg. During spermiogenesis, the axoneme elongates from the centrosome, and subsequently the centrosome docks onto the nuclear envelope to continue tail biogenesis. Mycbpap is expressed predominantly in mouse and human testes and conserved in Chlamydomonas as FAP147. A previous cryo-electron microscopy analysis has revealed the localization of FAP147 to the central apparatus of the axoneme. Here, we generated Mycbpap-knockout mice and demonstrated the essential role of Mycbpap in male fertility. Deletion of Mycbpap led to disrupted centrosome–nuclear envelope docking and abnormal flagellar biogenesis. Furthermore, we generated transgenic mice with tagged MYCBPAP, which restored the fertility of Mycbpap-knockout males. Interactome analyses of MYCBPAP using Mycbpap transgenic mice unveiled binding partners of MYCBPAP including central apparatus proteins, such as CFAP65 and CFAP70, which constitute the C2a projection, and centrosome-associated proteins, such as CCP110. These findings provide insights into a MYCBPAP-dependent regulation of the centrosome–nuclear envelope docking and sperm tail biogenesis.

Wang H, Kobayashi H, Shimada K, Oura S, Oyama Y, Kitakaze H, Noda T, Yabuta N, Miyata H, Ikawa M. MYCBPAP is a central apparatus protein required for centrosome-nuclear envelope docking and sperm tail biogenesis in mice. J Cell Sci. 2024 Aug 15;137(16):jcs261962. doi: 10.1242/jcs.261962. Epub 2024 Aug 29. PMID: 39092789; PMCID: PMC11385322. pubmed.